Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 8 Photo Assignment

Note: All pictures have been taken by me. Do NOT steal.
Best Pictures:
I selected this image because I love the sharp and clean contrast and its focus on the word "love spell." It makes me just fall in love with the picture right away. While taking this picture I cropped around the other bottles partially, so that the focus remained on the center perfume bottle. I shot this picture because I wanted to experiment with taking pictures of everyday objects I use, and take them to another level. I think spatially, it is in the middle. The cylindrical objects have depth, as the sides of the bottles are pushed back, but there isn't too much depth to where it is overwhelming. I think my use of three objects adds to the balance, because if I only used two, I would feel the composition to be incomplete.

I selected this image, because I love the vintage vibe, from its location in Hot Springs Arkansas. I shot this image while walking around their one weekend, during Summer vacation. The illustration on the wall, and the intersecting traffic light really make this picture work, and that's why I cropped the image to have the traffic light jut into the frame. I believe this image to be spatially deep, with the wall pushed back, adding perspective. I shot this picture because I absolutely loved the image painted on the side of the brick building. I think the image is really balanced and I am very proud of it.

 I chose this image, because I love the way the light flows at an angle into the frame, making it appear almost heaven-sent. I chose to shoot this image while I was out in my grandmother's garden this summer, after adoring the tall flowers and entanglement of stems and tree branches. I believe this picture has a lot of depth, with the many layers of vegetation. The balance of this image makes it very powerful and just stunning overall.

 I chose this picture because of the great contrast and the whimsical, reminiscent feelings of childhood I get when viewing it. I chose to take this picture while babysitting friend's child one day. I think it has spatial depth, due to the dark background, which pushes the young boy, to the front of the picture. I cropped this image to showcase the playful, yet serious nature of this funny little fella. I think the balance helps the image focus on the expression of the young boy.
 I chose this picture, because I love the way the light highlights my friend Julia's hair, and the blurred background. I took this the day before one of my best friend's moved and we all decided to walk around my neighborhood and take pictures. I had my friend smile off into the distance, and thus this picture was born. To crop this picture I thought for the optimum effect I would need to take it from shoulder height up. I think it is spatially deep with the houses in the background. The balance gives a feeling of completeness to the image.
 I selected this picture because of the way I cropped it to focus on the word "focus" and blur out most of the background. I took this the same day I shot the picture of the perfume bottles, experimenting with everyday objects. I think it is spatially deep with the magazine in the background, and that the balance allows the viewer to focus in on the bottle and the little pun.

Weakest Images
 I think this image is weak because there is one object in the center of the frame, with little composition. I took this while experimenting with everyday objects cause I was intrigued by the faux diamonds on the necklace. I didn't really pay much attention to cropping when I took this picture, which I believe is why it is so bad and uninteresting. I also believe it to be spatially shallow, but it does have balance.
 I think this image is weak, because it is repetitive and boring. The only thing I like is the perspective which makes the fonts appear bigger and smaller, as an illusion. I cropped it to highlight these words on the binding.  I think this picture is spatially deep due to the left hand corner, showing the magazines go back into the shelf. I do think the balance adds to the repetition.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent photos! They are very articulate in the language of depth and value.
