Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 1 Responsive Exercise

Fred Folsom, Adrift on the Lethe

1: Line Quality-
Both of these have very related, excellent line qualities. They both have a similar shape canvas/paper and both of the figures are lying at similar angles. In each picture the deceased has their right hand over their body and the left is outstretched. It leads the viewers' eyes to the head first, and carries them along the arm to the object on the far left. The line quality gives both works great fluency and the direction and angle/perspective of the bodies makes it appear as if they have both just fallen down and have landed in that position.

2: Actual Lines: The Cocktail Party has a dominant orientation of vertical lines. Both figures are standing tall, upright, and the same goes the the chairs and table. Horizontal lines are present through the horizon  and along the top of the mountains in the distance. When the lines intersect, (ex: the mountains and the man's arm) the viewers eye is drawn to that point.

3: Framework: In this piece the artist is using very dark shadows to act not only as contrast, but to contour the bodies of the people. It really draws your attention to what is occurring in the painting. If he had used a detailed background, attention might be stolen away from the true focal point.
4: Expression:
I'm kind of split on my views towards this series of paintings. I think the overall idea is genius, but I'm not a fan of the coloring of the works. I feel like he should have used a darker, more cool palette in this piece and save the warm hues for the happier piece only (before the accident/death). I also don't understand the piece regarding the accident. Why are people in the water, jumping out the prevent it? I was just confused as the who got injured, if none of them were already in the car?

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